On our watch
I've been thinking of what Alex said and whether I should reply.
I am a bit younger, but I am in the transition period of being angry with the ones that came before us and realising I am letting down the ones that are to come.
The pain of it all
I feel the pain of who we are now, the monsters we swore to never become, the ones who failed the last chance at saving our future.
It isn't over yet though and although you don't feel strong enough to fight, you still are. You are using your voice.
Did we fail our watch?
As said, we are not at midnight yet, there is still time to fight. We have to use what is at our disposal, our money, our voices and our anger.
It's obvious by now that career politicians only care about lining their pockets, so what we can do is create enough social pressure for change, keep voicing the issues, dissapprove of the companies doing the wrong thing and most importantly, don't give them our money.
Our watch hasn't ended
We aren't done yet, we can still go kicking and screaming to the grave. Your words hold power and you are still fighting even when it feels futile.
We can all keep voicing our disgust and voting by witholding.
Even if we still lose, at least we tried something...
Created 2024-11-01 - Updated 2024-11-01